Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
had a call from Wes by 830a, returning my call from the night before. It turns out that it wasn't Marty that made the holes in the pool, but him. That being case, he installed the jets where he always installs the jets and never confirmed anything with me.
In his defense and in my mistake, I never identified clearly in the sales drawings where I wanted the jets. Oh well, lesson learned. As he said, not much we can do. In the end, I'm sure it will be alright.
Wes told me that Marty would be around later in the day.
Marty and his helper showed up later in the morning to start plumbing. You could tell that he had done this before and wa very quick about what he was doing. Again, he mentioned that since this was new to him, he was relying on others to provide the information needed on how to do certain things. He didn't install the skimmer, because he had never done one. To install the jets in the pool, he called someone to find out where the supplied gaskets went. As he put it, lucky he did, as they told him to throw the gaskets away and just caulk around the fittings.
Marty ran out of material in about 3 hrs and was going to come back the next day to finish up.
He asked where the safety fence was, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. He explained that there needed to be an "orange" fence around the entire pool construction to protect the kids from falling in. He went on to say, that if the fence wasn't there no one could do inspections. I asked if I should call Wes, and he said, not to bother, as he would bring it on the next day.
He explained that he would complete the plumbing to a manifold, so that he could pressurize the system and test for leaks, then we would get an inspection. While this was going on, he could do the rest of the plumbing to the pool pump and filter.
Good progress and about 3 hours of work.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Pool Chronicles
July 18th … the big day, the pool was delivered. A contractor showed up around 930A, and dug the hole in the backyard. The crane and the pool showed up around 11A. By 1P, the pool was in hole and filling with water. It turns out that Guaranteed Pool and Spa, no longer has a good internal crew to do the work. Most (what I was told be Wes (aka Junior) ) of the work will be done by subs. Wes showed up around 8A, he’s the construction manager, and the person “responsible” for the build. Bill (the sales guy), showed up around 1030a and left when the pool was installed. I asked Bill to provide me with an estimate for a Jandy automation system and a slide.
The pool “needed to settle” and so, someone would be out in later in the week.
Spoke to Wes and Bill about making sure that the vents and fiber optic tower would be installed beside the house and not out in the open deck area. Bill didn’t think it would be a problem, Wes, told me that the tower wouldn’t have a long enough fiber optic cable and that he was unsure as to whether they could move the vents … he was going to check into code.
When I brought this up with Bill, he didn’t seem to think it would pose any problem.
We will need to rethink where the slide goes, and therefore, the stub out, as it will block a great deal of the view.
Total time today, about 5 hrs.
July 19th … no progress
July 20th … no progress
July 21st … the “digging” subcontractor, showed up to “level” the pool and move some dirt around it. They called it getting it ready for plumbing, or getting it to plumbing grade. I was told that the pool was within 1/8” level. I filled it further (as instructed), now there is about 2.5ft of water at the deep end. I pointed out that a set of spa jets needed to be installed on the stairs. They knew nothing about it, and had filled the area with dirt. I guess that someone will have to dig the dirt out to plumb the spa jets.
When they left, they could not tell me what the next step was.
Somewhere during the day, a bunch of equipment (pump, filter, etc) was delivered and placed on the side of the house.
Total time today, about 4 hrs.
July 24th … called Wes at 1030a this morning to find out if anyone would be coming to work today. He told me that he would be around later this morning to deliver the heat pump and that the “plumber” would be stopping by this afternoon. The plumber is another subcontractor.
Wes was unsure if he was going to do any actual work today or if he was just going to stop by to “look around”.
I removed all the stones and cleaned up the area where the pump, filter and heater will be installed, as per request.
Around 1130A, Wes showed up , dropped off the heater, gave me the manual and placed the “pads” for the equipment on the ground. Again, he confirmed that the “plumber” would show today. The next steps are to; 1. Plumb the pool onto a pressure rig; 2. Have it inspected; 3. Backfill the dirt, 4. Plumb the pump, filter and other stuff, 5. Get the electrician to connect the power.
Wes has “scheduled” the electrician who is apparently 3 weeks out. The electrician will contact me directly (according to Wes) to make an appointment.
Marty stopped by at 1p, he’s the contractor that will be “helping” out with the pool. As he said, “I’ve never worked on a fiberglass pool”, so he was educating himself today. He needed to get with Wes to figure a bunch of stuff out. I explained where things had to go and where I wanted the vents.
He was surprised to find the pool in the shape he found it. You could tell that this was all new to him. He said that he would be back later this week. When I pushed for a commitment, he said by Wednesday.
So, for today, got some stuff at the house, had a guy look around … no real progress.
Total time today, about 1 hr.
July 25th …. A positive surprise, then our first setback. I was pleasantly surprised when I got home today and looked out at the pool. I saw a couple of new holes cut into the pool. This was good, as it showed that someone, I assume Marty, came today to start the plumbing.
Upon further inspection, I identified 4 new holes; One under the skimmer, not sure what for; one on the side and 2 on the steps for the spa jets. I cannot figure out what the one under the skimmer is, as it is 2”, seems high for the light and has no fitting. The one on the side has a fitting, so I assume it is either a return, or the intake for the vacuum.
Now, to the spa jets … our setback! Yesterday, when I spoke with Marty I identified where I wanted the jets. I went as far as to sit on the step, and say … “I want them here”. Imagine my surprise, when I go looking and find the holes on the step above the one I identified. I was mad and very disappointed. My new beautiful pool, with 2 holes cut into it in the wrong place. I called all the numbers I have, Wes, work and cell, Bill at work, and left messages for everyone. I assume they will call me tomorrow.
I’m sure that if I was here, I would have stepped in to explain where I wanted it and correct any mistake before they drilled the holes. As my wife pointed out, it isn’t my job to manage the construction, so I shouldn’t blame myself. Oh well, let’s see how this unfolds tomorrow.
Total time today, not really sure, so I’ll be generous, so figure 4 holes, 4 hours.